Internship German American Business Chamber

My internship with the German American Business Chamber began in May 2018 until August 2019.
I helped develop strategies to gather membership registration and Chamber exposure throughout
South Florida.
• Experience with business management, non-for profit marketing strategies, and networking
• Handled recruiting and incorporating new members to the Chamber
• Coordinated with various membership levels, such as Trustee, Corporate, Non-for Profit,
Individual, and Student members

I worked extensively with Europeans, specifically Germans, British, French, Spaniards, and Italians. This experience allowed me to learn first handily how to work well with all types of cultures, opinions, and personalities. I have developed an extensive level of cultural awareness and knowledge.
I have demonstrated my critical thinking, problem solving, and time management skills consistently throughout my academic and professional life. I've served as a panel speaker at a European Career Panel Discussion where former Ambassadors, Consulate members, and other recognized individuals participated.

Experience in creating and administering German American Business Chamber Newsletter
sent out to 3,000 people
• Handled office administrative tasks and helping coordinate Board of Directors Meeting
• Worked with social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn
• Experience with programs, such as WildApricot and ConstantContact

My name is Nicole Jara and I started at Florida International University as a Freshman in the Honors College. I studied a double major in International Relations and Political Science as well as a Minor in Marketing. I always felt a deep passion for global learning and cultures and thus pursued a Latin American & Caribbean Studies Certificate and Portuguese Certificate.
My next goal is to pursue my Master's Degree in Global Affairs. My objective is to one day work for an international company and embassy to represent international affairs, especially between the United States and Brazil. My acquisition of expertise in Portuguese will allow me to use Portuguese as an international company representative and aspiring Ambassador. I seek to communicate with potential clients, representatives, delegates, and key individuals in the political and business realm.
Majors & Minors